First Aid and Medication
The school has assessed the need for first aid provision and identified the following staff to provide first aid (both on site and where required for trips/ visits and extra-curricular activities).
Jabeen Choudhury |
Breakfast Club & TA/MSA |
May 2027 |
Bev Castello |
Office |
May 2027 |
Sienna Cross |
June 2027 |
Debs Vale |
June 2027 |
Manel Achir |
TA |
August 2027 |
Abi Wilson |
Breakfast Club & MSA |
November 2027 |
Chris Hirons |
November 2027 |
Karen Rattley |
November 2027 |
Rina Modi |
KS2 TA |
November 2027 |
Evie Cross |
November 2027 |
Joel Moody |
KS2 |
February 2028 |
First aid qualifications remain valid for three years. The Office Manager will ensure that refresher training is organised to maintain competence and that new persons are trained should first aiders leave.
Bev Castello is responsible for regularly checking (termly) that the contents of first aid boxes (including travel kits/ those in vehicles) are complete and replenished as necessary.
Transport to hospital: Where a first aider considers it necessary, the injured person will be sent directly to hospital (normally by ambulance). Parents/ carers will be notified immediately of all major injuries to pupils.
No casualty will be allowed to travel to hospital unaccompanied and an accompanying adult will be designated in situations where the parents/ carers cannot be contacted in time.
Where there is any doubt about the appropriate course of action, the first aider will consult with the Health Service helpline (NHS Direct 111) and, in the case of pupil with the parents/ carers.
Administration of medicines
All medication will be administered to pupils in accordance with the DfE document Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions. Detailed arrangements are provided in a separate policy.
No member of staff will administer any medication (prescribed or non-prescribed) to children under 16 without a parent’s written consent except in exceptional circumstances.
Bev Castello is responsible for accepting medication and checking all relevant information has been provided by parents/ carers prior to administering.
Records of administration will be kept by Bev Castello.
All non emergency medication kept in school is securely stored in the medical room with access strictly controlled. All pupils know how to access their medication. Under no circumstances will medication be stored in first aid boxes.
Emergency medication and devices such as asthma inhalers and adrenaline pens are always readily available to children and not locked away. These are kept in The First Aid Room and clearly labelled.
The school have chosen to hold an emergency salbutamol inhaler for use by pupils who have been prescribed a reliever inhaler and for whom parental consent for its use has been obtained.
Individual Health Care Plans (IHCP)
Parents/ carers are responsible for providing the school with up to date information regarding their child’s health care needs and providing appropriate medication.
IHCPs are in place for those pupils with significant medical needs e.g. chronic or ongoing medical conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, anaphylaxis etc.
The IHCP is developed with the pupil (where appropriate), parent/ carer, designated named member of school staff, specialist nurse (where appropriate) and relevant healthcare services. These plans will be completed at the beginning of the school year and will be reviewed annually.
All staff are made aware of any relevant health care needs and copies of health care plans are available in the office.
Staff will receive appropriate training related to health conditions of pupils and the administration of medicines by a health professional as appropriate.
Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
See DfE guidance on Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in schools
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in schools - GOV.UK (
AEDs are designed to be used by anyone without any specific training and by following the step by step instructions provided by the AED at the time of use.
It would therefore be adequate for schools to circulate the manufacturer’s instructions to all staff and to provide a short general awareness briefing session in order to meet their statutory obligations.
However, it should be recognised that staff confidence in the use of an AED is likely to be enhanced by training – this may be available via the supplier, East of England ambulance service and First Aid providers. Since 2016 First Aid at work training courses (FAW/EFAW) cover the use of defibrillators (prompts and how to respond and pad placement).
AEDs should be located to ensure that they can be accessed quickly in an emergency. Ideally situated no further than a maximum of two minutes’ brisk walk from the areas where they are likely to be needed.
Registering your AED with the local ambulance service providers ensure that your device’s location is provided to 999 callers when a cardiac arrest is reported.
East of England Ambulance Service