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eSafety is an important part of safeguarding your child and we at Bushey Heath Primary School take this extremely seriously. We have extensive security measures in place in school and any eSafety incidents are recorded and managed in accordance with our eSafety Policy. eSafety is taught to all pupils through PSHCE, IT lessons and in school assemblies, explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately on-line.

ICT, including the internet, email and mobile technologies, has become an important part of learning in our school.  We expect all children to be safe and responsible when using ICT.

An important part of ensuring the safeguarding of your child is ensuring that images taken are not shared on-line without the express permission from the parents concerned.

Giving children the opportunity to participate in concerts and school plays is an important part of their overall education.  We appreciate that family members and carers may wish to record their children's concert or play as a permanent record of the event and in order to share with other family members and friends.  At present the school is happy for parents to bring in cameras and recording devices.  However, parents MUST NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES UPLOAD IMAGES OF CHILDREN, OTHER THAN THEIR OWN, ONTO SOCIAL MEDIA. In doing so they may be placing children at direct risk of harm. Should images of a child be uploaded without the parents’ prior consent, the School reserves the right to review this policy and to ban camera and recording devices from school performances.

Bushey Heath e-Safety Information 

Bushey Heath guide for safe use of images

Please find on the below websites a wide range of information, advice and other resources to help you to keep your child safe online.

Online resources:

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)

Internet Matters

The European Internet Safety Resource

Family Lives




National Online Safety Guides for Parent/ Carer