Welcome to our wonderful school. As you walk around the school you will see evidence of well-mannered and well-behaved children. You will see an exciting, enriched curriculum (visit our greenhouse and discover our “Seed to Plate” project), colourful displays celebrating the children’s learning journey and an exciting learning environment where our vision - “A vibrant school inspiring children to realise their potential” - is embedded throughout all aspects of school life.
We firmly believe that the success of the school is down to the involvement of the whole school community. Working closely with parents, listening to children, linking with local schools and businesses and valuing our wonderful staff has ensured that we maximise all the resources and skills available to us. This in turn has helped create fantastic learning opportunities for our children.
Currently, the school caters for pupils of all abilities from Nursery to Year 6 (this includes 30-hour nursery provision, breakfast club and a significant number of after-school clubs). There are approximately 240 pupils on roll in eight classes grouped by age.
It is a real honour to be the headteacher of such a lovely school and I look forward to working with the school community to continue to seek ways of improving and expanding the educational opportunities for our children in such a caring and happy environment.
Penny Barefoot