We are proud to wear our school colours of grey and maroon.
All items apart from the school tie and rucksack can be purchased anywhere.
School ties and rucksacks can be purchased from DJ Uniforms however – please do adhere to the school colours and requirements as per below and also see our Uniform Policy.
All clothes and accessories should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
Regular uniform checks are conducted and the children are expected to be neat and tidy at all times.
Make-up, nail varnish and temporary tattoos are not allowed.
All hair that touches the collar or below should be tied back at all times with a maroon, grey or black hair band/ tie, no large bows.
Jewellery should not be worn to school. For those with pierced ears only studs maybe worn and covered during PE with tape.
Watches may be worn but, as with other personal items, the school/ staff cannot accept responsibility for them. Please note that ‘Smart’ watches are not allowed.
Year 1 through to Year 6 are to use rucksacks provided by DJ Uniforms.
Nursery and Reception are to use book bags.
Bushey Heath Primary School also have preloved uniforms available to purchase organised by The Friends of the School. Please speak to the school office for further details.
Items marked with an * are optional the remaining items are all required.

Girls - Winter
- White shirt
- School tie (branded)
- Grey skirt or trousers
- Maroon or grey cardigan
- Grey socks or grey woollen tights
- Black school shoes
- Maroon, grey or black hair bands/ ties *
Boys - Winter
- White shirt
- School tie (branded)
- Grey trousers
- Maroon or grey jumper
- Grey socks
- Black school shoes
Girls - Summer
- Pink checked or striped summer dress or
- Plain white polo shirt and grey skirt (all skirts/ dresses should be knee length) grey trousers or shorts
- Maroon or grey cardigan
- White socks
- Black school shoes
- Maroon, grey or black hair bands/ ties *
Boys - Summer
- Plain white polo shirt
- Grey trousers or shorts
- Maroon or grey jumper
- Grey socks
- Black school shoes
PE Kit for Reception to Year 6
- This will remain at school and be sent home for washing at half term.
- Black shorts (dark black/ grey/ blue tracksuit for outdoor Winter sessions).
- KS2 T-shirt in child’s house colour.
- (Mars - red, Jupiter - yellow, Neptune - blue, Saturn – green).
- KS1 white T-shirt.
- Black plimsolls/ trainers.
Nursery Uniform
- Black tracksuit bottoms/ leggings.
- White polo shirt.
- Maroon/ grey jumper.
- Sensible footwear the children can take off and on by themselves (sandals and crocs are not permitted).